Don't know about this one. I have hope.
It'll be interesting to see if this comes together in the end. My first and last impressions are that this is going to play out in a manner that independent film watchers will have seen thousands of times before. Dreary, overly-detailed settings that grasp and claw at viewers, begging them to be immersed in yet another hand-wringing at societal dilemmas. The dialogue/characters hope to be cryptic, rather than interesting, so that we can enjoy piecing the puzzle together to create a cogent story within the 5% of the film.
I do hope you don't take offense.. this is just what the trailer tells me. There is little aside from the art quality that separates this trailer from others.. and the fact that you used breasts for the intro icon rather than a beloved character or scene from the film tells plenty about what's important to you as well.
Seems like you've put alot of time and thought into this; I hope that this turns out to be worth it.